Flow Rx

ProgressiveEnviro.com's automatic self-cleaning water filters are the optimal choice for most industrial, municipal and irrigation applications. These automatic water filters are reliable, require low maintenance, have a short cleaning cycle, waste very little flush water, are easy to install in new or existing systems, and do not interrupt main flow during the backwash cycle.


An automatic self-cleaning screen water filter is a type of water filter which utilizes system pressure to clean itself. A rigid cylinder screen strains particles from a water source, trapping debris on the inside. This layer of buildup causes differential pressure across the inlet and outlet. A controller monitors the filter and opens a flush valve when it senses adequate differential pressure. This creates rapid flow through the internal cleaning apparatus, which vacuums buildup from the screen and expels it.

A unique characteristic of automatic self-cleaning screen filters is that the backwash cycle does not require the entire system flow to stop and reverse, as is the case for many other types of filters. Instead, a point-of-suction backwash reverses flow across the screen only directly in front of suction nozzles. This allows the cleaning mechanism to scan and clean the screen incrementally without disrupting the main flow through the filter.

Automatic self-cleaning screen filters are used in a variety of applications where continuous water flow is crucial, including industrial equipment protection, irrigation nozzle protection, and municipal water treatment.



When making a filter selection it is important to assess the variables:

  •     Reliability required by the system
  •     Available equipment
  •     Installation costs
  •     Operating and maintenance costs
  •     Wastewater replacement
  •     Necessary degree of filtration

It is important to select the correct type and size of water filter. A properly designed system will be able to handle unforeseen overload and adverse conditions.

Plan for a greater water flow than the system is expected to require. It is always better to have more capacity than not enough. A properly sized filter will save time and money in the long run.

It is recommended to choose a screen element that is appropriate for the application. For example, if a water filter is needed to protect spray nozzles, a filtration degree of 100-200 micron is sufficient. Using finer filtration than that would require increasing the screen area.

Waste disposal costs are frequently overlooked when implementing quick solutions. Installation cost must be weighed against operating cost. Sand or media filters can take up to 10 minutes per backwash and upwards of 1000 gallons during one cleaning cycle. Progressive automatic self-cleaning water filters require minimal flow (as little as 20 gallons) per cleaning cycle, even in models that flow up to 20,000gpm.


The self-cleaning mechanism in ProgressiveEnviro.com's automatic water filters eliminates the need for routine maintenance by automating the cleaning cycle. Differential pressure is monitored by the controller which initiates the backwash cycle automatically. As a result, this self-cleaning technology saves maintenance time and operating cost. Manual washes, spray downs, filter, cartridge and bag replacements become unnecessary. Basic bi-annual or annual inspection (depending on particle load) replaces the need for daily, weekly or monthly shutdowns.


Well-tested and time proven design make our industrial automatic self cleaning water filters a dependable choice. A wide range of clientele whose applications require rigid filtration parameters and uninterrupted function report great success operating self-cleaning technology. High standard material grade of Progressive industrial sel cleaning water filters prevents corrosion and guarantees a long life for each filter.


Debris collects inside the filter's stainless steel screen. When differential pressure initiates the automatic cleaning cycle, flow reversal occurs at the point of suction rather than throughout the entire filter. This provides an important advantage in that it allows for continuous flow throughout the filter for the duration of each backwash cycle.

To preserve system continuity during bi-annual or annual maintenance, multiple self-cleaning filters may be installed in parallel. This configuration provides a larger cumulative screen area and allows one or more water filters to be removed from service for periodic maintenance without interrupting the filtration process.


Our self-cleaning water filters require only 4-20 seconds to perform a backwash cycle. Other filter technologies, such as sand, or bag and cartridge filters may necessitate several hours to complete their cleaning cycle.


WATER - Efforts to use water more sustainably have led to a focus on conservation and efficiency. Infrastructure upgrades are continually improving water efficiency across the industrial, municipal and agricultural sectors. These advancements include the optimization of cooling towers, recycling of sample water at cooling towers and implementation of closed loop water systems involving water reclamation and reuse systems. Progressive industrial water filters play an integral role in the performance of closed-loop systems by protecting equipment and ensuring uninterrupted flow.

Waste water treatment plants and pumping stations can connect (often through thousands of feet of reclaimed water pipes) to storage tanks, chillers, steam boilers and irrigation sites. Reclamation and reuse systems make highly treated or "reclaimed" wastewater available to meet a variety of non-drinking water needs thereby reducing strain on drinking water reservoirs and water treatment plants. Progressive self-cleaning water filters using the point of suction backwash technology provide the industry's most efficient water filter.

POWER - Protecting pipes from scale buildup with ProgressiveEnviro.com's industrial water filters prevents an increase in the energy required to pump system water. As pipe orifices become smaller, more energy is required to pump the same volume of water. Effects of flowing dirty water include excessive scale buildup, contaminants settlement, and clogged spray nozzles which all contribute to poor pump performance. Implementing Progressive self-cleaning water filters prevents these consequences and saves energy.


ProgressiveEnviro.com offers self-cleaning filters in a wide range of sizes, orientations, and to varying degrees of filtration in order to answer any demand. Custom design solutions for unique applications are available as well. ProgressiveEnviro.com provides its self-cleaning water filters ready to install. All our self-cleaning water filters accommodate simple installation. The PFH, PFE, and PFEP series of filters have a parallel flange configuration, and will integrate with any straight pipeline. The PFV filters exhibit a right angle flange configuration that provides a compact filter unit.

Self-Cleaning Strainers have a straight flange configuration and will also integrate with any straight pipeline.

Skid Mounted units are ready-to-go custom industrial water filters mounted on a single platform. Skid Mounted filtration systems combine any self cleaning filter model with required pumps, manifolds, and controllers.


The control system of an automatic water screen filter is an important part of the package. It is designed to be reliable, easy to operate and capable of initiating a flush cycle either by high differential pressure or on a timed basis. Our control systems provide an alarm function to warn operators of filter malfunction. LCD displays also indicate the number of times the automatic water filter has backwashed.

Controllers are sized to fit the application ranging from large industrial controllers to small battery powered controllers. An industrial controller is capable of flushing up to ten automatic water filters in parallel. The small, battery powered controller features a one-year battery life and is ideal for controlling filters located where a power source in not available.


ProgressiveEnviro.com offers a free water testing service for customers looking to determine the most cost-effective water filtration solution. Arrange for one of our representatives to obtain a water sample and Progressive will determine the right solution for your application. With a representative water sample our engineers can estimate how often a filter will back wash and how much screen area will be needed to achieved the desired filtration degree.